Cancellation fees

If you cannot consume your holiday, please cancel immediately. The cancellation must be done in wiritten form (e.g.: e-mail). Cancellation fees corrispond to General terms and conditions for the hotel industry (AGB):

Cancellation until  3 months before travelling date: free
Cancellation until  1 month before travelling date: 3 daily rentals
Cancellation within one month before travelling date: 100 % of the rental price

Travel insurance

In collaboration with the Europäischen Reiseversicherung we offer as special service for our guests the possibility to contract a trip cancellation insurance –quickly and unbureaucratic.


Cancellation costs if trip not started

Up to the selected travel price(without user chrages)

Trip interruption:
Reimbursementof booked and unused travel sevices

Up to the selected travel price(without user chrages)

Delayed arrival at the booked destination:
a.) Involuntary late arrival at the destination: Reimbursementof additional costs of overnight accomodation and meals during the outward jouney
b.) Elementary event : Reimbursementof additional costs of overnight accomodation and meals in case of road block

Up to 20 % of the selected travel price max. € 365.-

Involuntary extension of holiday:
Due to accident, illness or elementary event,: Reimbursement of additional costs (incl. meals)

Up to 50 % of the booked travel price, max. € 2.000.-

Search and rescue:
Search and rescue costs (ncluding helicopter rescue)

Up to € 7.500.-

Insured reasons for trip cancellation and trip interruption


For a trip of up to 31 days

Price up to Premium Price up to Premium
€ 200€ 11€ 2,500€ 143
€ 300€ 17€ 3,000€ 172
€ 400€ 23€ 3,500€ 200
€ 500€ 29€ 4,000€ 229
€ 600€ 34€ 4,500€ 258
€ 800€ 46€ 5,000€ 286
€ 1,000€ 57€ 6,000€ 344
€ 1,200€ 69€ 7,000€ 401
€ 1,400€ 80€ 8,000€ 458
€ 1,600€ 92€ 9,000€ 515
€ 1,800€ 103€ 10,000€ 573
€ 2,000€ 115€ 12,000€ 687